SUFFER FOR THE RIGHT REASON! – 1 Peter 3:17 Devotional

1 Peter 3:17

“For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.”

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we are going to experience periods of suffering in our days here on earth. There are some teachers and preachers who try to convince their listeners that only good things come to those who trust (and send in a generous offering).

Jesus prayed for all of His disciples (including us) that His Father not take us out of the world, but be with us in the world. All of His disciples suffered terribly here on earth, but oh, what peace and comfort awaited them as they were welcomed into paradise.

Suffering in and of itself is not worthy of praise. We can be the source of our own suffering and it certainly is not worthy of praise. We might truthfully say that we can endure suffering and be a blessing, or we can cause suffering and be a pain!

The question arises then, what are we suffering for? Are we the cause of our own suffering, or is the Lord allowing us to shine forth as bright lights in the midst of our suffering? I want to be on God’s side suffering for the right reason!

May God richly bless you by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil