1 Corinthians 10:31  

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”

I am not sure if you are familiar with the expression; HIGH BALL IT! It has been used time after time to have the driver go faster and faster. All too often the driver has driven beyond his or her ability and accidents have resulted.

I have attributed the expression to the game of baseball, but if that were the case, the high ball would result in the pitcher missing the strike zone. So I had to eliminate that derivative of the phrase.

I have finally had the answer from old time railroad signals. When a train was approaching an area that required caution, the engineer would watch for a pole with two signal balls. If they were low on the pole he had to proceed slowly, but if the balls were high on the pole he could go full throttle!

I like to think that the way we live our life for Christ could use more, high balling rather than, low balling. We need to get rid of those things that prevent us from going all out for Christ and make a difference for Him. HIGH BALL IT!

May God richly bless you by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil