1 Kings 15:11

Asa did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, as did his father David.

Al was restoring a vintage automobile with skill and devotion right down to the smallest detail. He enjoyed each and every moment that was spent in bringing the dilapidated old relic back to life.

After months of loving labor, the old car began to gleam with the beauty that had been hidden by dents, rust, and decay. Al was pleased with his project … and so was a certain collector of restored cars. When he began hinting that he was interested in purchasing the car, even throwing out an unbelievable price, Al swallowed, was tempted, but rejected the offer.

It was several weeks later when a visiting missionary spoke of the great need for help to supply bibles and study materials for schools in the area he served. As he spoke, Al felt an urge from the Lord to do something, but he knew that his bank account was barely able to meet his needs, much less give extra.

After the service he drove into his driveway and the lights of his car illuminated his prized vintage car. It was as if the Lord was showing him that he had something precious that he could give to reach the lost. In a few hours he had contacted the collector who had made the generous offer for the car. The sale was made and Al knew he had done the right thing. What we give for the Lord is nothing compared to what He has given to us!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil