Psalm 31:1  

In You, O Lord, I put my trust; let me never be ashamed; deliver me in Your righteousness.

We never know when or how the Lord will choose to use us. We can be going about our regular business when out of the blue a situation will arise that places us in a position to be used by the Lord. It may be an action or a word, but somehow we will know it was a divine encounter.

I remember such a situation many years ago. I was shopping in a warehouse store and observed a woman with a son and daughter. I was grieved at the way the mother spoke harshly to her daughter. The girl was trying her best to help and all she received was belittling comments from her mother.

I felt the best thing I could do was smile at the little girl. Aisle after aisle we would pass one another and each time I would smile at her. At the checkout stand each customer had to bag their own groceries. The little girl was bagging for her family while her older brother just lounged around. Suddenly the girl came over to my area and began to bag my groceries. I began to brag on her and told her I could just imagine how proud her mother must be to have such a helpful daughter. I can still recall her waving to me as they left the store.

How will God use you today? As far as we know, Ananias was used only one time in his life. That one time was significant. Be alert and ready to touch a life today! All we need to do is trust and obey.”

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil 

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