Psalm 84:12-13

Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You! As they pass through the Valley of Tears, they make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools.”

In high school I worked part-time delivering milk door to door. We had an established route and each driver had detailed instructions on what each customer was to receive. No customer ever came to the door to thank me for coming into their lives to supply milk for them and their children.

If such an event had occurred I could not take the credit. Yes, I had faithfully delivered the milk, but who was ultimately responsible for the delivery?  I think it may be safe to conclude it was the person who hired me, trained me, and supplied me with the milk to deliver.  There is really no place for pride—I just delivered the milk as ordered.

Christians must never take pride in being used by the Lord.  We share the Gospel, offer a prayer of faith and then leave the results up to God. Like delivering the milk, the One who sent us deserves the credit—we just make the delivery.

In today’s Scripture we are reminded that as we go through the valley of tears we have a delivery to make.  Only God knows who is in that same valley waiting for the “milk” of God’s Word? Are you committed to deliver God’s “milk”?

Blessings dear hearts.  May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – Pastor Cecil