Psalm 28:6 

Blessed be the Lord, because He has heard the voice of my supplications!

I have heard it said that men have one-track minds. I tend to think that our minds do get derailed at times. By that I mean that people may be speaking around us, but we are pre-occupied with our own thoughts and simply tune out what is going on around us.

I am so glad that the Lord is not like me! He hears the whispered prayers of His children. When others around us have ignored our cry for understanding, we have a tender and compassionate God who always is anxious to hear us.

As I write this I am also mindful that we need to take time to listen to what others are saying. It is assuring to know that God hears, but it also is an encouragement to have another human prepared to listen.

The Judge I used to work for told the story of two men who had hearing loss. They went before a judge, who also had a hearing loss, to settle their dispute. One brother demanded that his brother be required to share the inheritance with him. The second brother incorrectly heard what was said and shouted, “It’s a lie! I don’t even own a dog!” The judge, shouted, “You boys ought to quit fighting and support your old mother! Case dismissed!” Oops! We need to be more like the Lord and hear what those around us are saying.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil

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