Psalm 90:10

“The days of our lives are seventy years; And if by reason of strength they are eighty years, Yet their boast is only labor and sorrow; For it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”

The inevitable has happened. My brother-in-law Dale has passed away. Our wives were sisters and both had gone to be with the Lord. Over the past several years Dale and I have had more than a few phone conversations. It was common for him to speak about how the days seemed to drag by even while the years passed in a flash.

I recently read or heard an observation that seemed to highlight our conversations: The days crawled by at a snail’s pace while the years flew by. The older I get the more I come to realize this. It confirms the comment of a little lady in Shreveport, Louisiana:  Life is so daily!

There is no question about how quickly time marches on. We look forward to seeing old friends with very young children only to discover that time passed far faster than we realized — those little ones are now in their teens.

Charles Studd who lived from 1860 to 1931 is credited with writing the poem that has lived in my heart for many years. He gave his life and fortune to the work of the Lord. Consider his words: Only one life, t’will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.  I want that to be my testimony. Please join me!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil

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