Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

Things can change unexpectedly and dramatically. It has been less than two full days since my daughter Lori suffered a fractured skull and slight brain bleed. She has been in pain and sedated to the extent that conversation has been limited.

Last evening I received a call from her Intensive Care room asking if I could read our daily Bible Reading that takes us through the Bible in one year. About ten years ago we started this tradition of reading through the Bible each year. It was a wonderful and comforting daily bonding with Joyce before she went to be with the Lord and has continued to be so with Lori.

As I read the words and prayed with my daughter last night I felt a warm glow that assured me that the Lord is the Blessed Controller of all things. He brought such peace that I slept like a baby after my time spent on the phone with my daughter ended.

I have experienced the separation through death of many precious family members and the heartbreak of others who have experienced pain and suffering. The thing that always brings the peace that passes understanding is God’s Word. On that precious Word I will stand!

Blessings dear hearts! May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil