Psalm 95:2

“Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.”

I once pastored a small congregation of loving and caring believers where the members’ average incomes were minimal at best. The local mill that employed several of our families had to downsize and many jobs had been lost.

Even in these meager circumstances, our church was asked to adopt the pastor and his wife of an even smaller congregation than ours. Undaunted by our lack of funds, however, some of our people contacted friends in the community where this pastor served to find out what the couple needed, which turned out to be major appliances. We knew we could not afford to purchase new ones … but we could buy used items and restore them.

The project took time and effort, but we undertook it with love and a sense of excitement. Our good deed, however, was not received in the same spirit. There was no sense of joy or thankfulness from the recipients, but one of resentment that they were given USED items rather than NEW. We had worked hard to give the best we could, but their lack of thankfulness was very apparent.

The attitude of gratitude was certainly missing in that situation―a gift offered sincerely out of love and compassion resulted in a slap in the face. As we approach the season of giving it is vital that we take the time to show our thankfulness … not for what gifts we receive, but for the people who are part of our lives.

Blessings dear hearts. May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil