by Pastor Cecil | Jan 31, 2019 | 1 Peter
1 Peter 3:18
“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit.”
We typically like to think more highly of ourselves than we ought. We may not say we deserve to be forgiven of our sins and transgressions, but we frequently act as if that were the case. “If we are good enough, God will look with favor on us.” Beep!
That thought process is categorically contrary to God’s Word. It is always by grace through faith as we read in Ephesians 2:8: “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God.” If we are saved by grace through faith, how are we kept? The same way! We no more deserve to remain saved by our works than we are saved by our good works. It is always by God’s grace.
Does that mean we are free to live as we please? God forbid! We are now free to serve as the redeemed of the Lord. That means we have been set free from the power of sin and death to serve the Lord in the power of His redeeming grace.
Lift up your head, dear believer! We do not deserve the powerful and amazing grace of our Lord, but He showers it freely on us. Serve Him with joy and gladness as the unjust who have been blessed with freedom and everlasting life!
Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Jan 30, 2019 | Titus
Titus 3:4-5
“But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.”
When I was a young man (many years ago) a new pastor came to our church. On his first Sunday he stood with his family to introduce them to the congregation. As he reached out his hand to place it on his son’s head, the boy ducked as if he was about to get a cuff to the head. It was soon learned that it was the boy’s wicked sense of humor, not his father’s actions.
All too often we as believers live as though God takes delight in causing us pain or suffering. Nothing could be further from the truth. It was while we were sinners that God loved us and came into the world to give us eternal life.
There is no way we could ever be good enough to merit His love and salvation. In fact it is for wayward sinners that He shed His blood. We can never earn our salvation or His blessings on our life.
God’s great grace is freely bestowed on us in our most despicable condition. As fallen sinners He loves us and showers us with a love so great we will not be able to understand it until eternity. We do not have to understand it, but just need to bathe in the cleansing and redeeming blood of the Lamb. Relish in GOD’S GREAT GRACE!
Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Jan 29, 2019 | Psalm
Psalm 19:1
“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.”
So many times we read Scripture and fail to grasp that the God who has made all things is trying to tell us something special. Isaiah 40:26 reveals that the Lord knows each of the stars by name. So what is so great about that?
Let me tell you just how great that is. It has been estimated that there are roughly 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone — not even considering other galaxies. If we were to count each of those stars, working day and night, no breaks of any kind, it would take some 2,500 years — yet God knows each of them by name.
Before the twelve stations of the zodiac were perverted by astrologers, they were each assigned to one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The idea that ancient astronomers could see figures in these constellations is ridiculous. There is no way the groupings look like the objects for which they are named. The star groupings, however, do send a powerful message. They are God’s handiwork.
As we reflect on the incredible order and design of God’s universe, we marvel once again at the idea that He loved us so much that Jesus Christ came to provide our salvation. It may be a setting sun, but when the stars begin to appear in the sky, it is GOD’S UNIVERSE ON DISPLAY!
Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Jan 28, 2019 | Ephesians
Ephesians 3:14-15
“For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.”
Family is an interesting concept. Sometimes families live near each other and visit frequently. Sometimes they are separated by many miles and rarely see each other. Several years ago my wife’s cousin Millie and her husband David stopped by for a visit. Joyce and Millie talked up a storm as they reminisced through their family relationships.
While the two cousins were bonding, David and I were discovering that we too were related. Can you believe that?! What a discovery! Not only were we related, but we were brothers! No, we did not have the same mother and father, but were part of the much closer family of God!
After David and Millie left, Joyce made a profound observation. She said that even though she had never lived close to Millie, and even though it had been some thirty years since she had last seen her, as they talked they drew close because of the family they both shared.
The few hours we spent with Millie and David was such a time of warmth and joy that we hated to see them leave. It made me think of the joy we will experience in heaven when we see members of the family that we never knew existed.
Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Jan 25, 2019 | 1 Peter
1 Peter 4:12-13
“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.”

Fanny J. Crosby was a remarkable woman. There are so many accomplishments in her life that it is hard to comprehend them all. She lost her eyesight because of the treatment of a careless doctor. In spite of her loss she memorized huge portions of Scripture just by listening to her grandmother read them to her. She is credited with writing over 10,000 hymns during her life.
Fanny began writing poetry at an early age, but another amazing fact is that she did not accept Jesus as her personal Savior until she was 31. She was attending a service on November 20, 1850. The congregation was singing a hymn by Isaac Watts; At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw the light. She knew she needed the Lord and that very night He became her Savior and Lord. Her desire was to always stay close to Jesus who had paid the ultimate price for her salvation. Her desire was to remain near her Lord. She immediately wrote the words to the hymn for this week.
Near the Cross
Jesus, keep me near the cross;
there a precious fountain,
free to all, a healing stream,
flows from Calvary’s mountain.
Refrain: In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever,
till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river.
Near the cross, a trembling soul,
love and mercy found me;
there the bright and morning star
sheds its beams around me.
Refrain: In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever,
till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river.
Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
bring its scenes before me;
help me walk from day to day
with its shadow o’er me.
Refrain: In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever,
till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river.
Near the cross I’ll watch and wait,
hoping, trusting ever,
till I reach the golden strand
just beyond the river.
Refrain: In the cross, in the cross, be my glory ever,
till my raptured soul shall find rest beyond the river.
To access Near the Cross, this week’s inspirational video from, please go to: in your browser or click on the image below.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
—Pastor Cecil