by Pastor Cecil | Sep 14, 2018 | Proverbs
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”
When we graduated from high school in 1952 our class voted this hymn to be our class hymn to take with us. My dear wife Joyce always would brighten up when she heard the hymn and remind me it was our class hymn.
I confess I did not know the story behind the hymn until I did a little investigation for this week’s hymn. The words were composed by Civilia Martin and the music by her husband W. Stillman Martin. One Sunday afternoon Civilia was ill and her husband was on a preaching assignment. She composed the words and when her husband returned he immediately sat at his organ and wrote the music.
This song is credited for transforming the life of James Cash Penney, founder of the American department store chain J. C. Penney. He heard it one morning in the chapel of the Kellogg Sanitarium in Battle Creek, Michigan, where he had been hospitalized with a severe case of shingles, as well as exhaustion and depression.
- Be not dismayed whate’er betide, God will take care of you;
Beneath His wings of love abide, God will take care of you.
Refrain: God will take care of you,
Through every day, over all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.
- Through days of toil when heart doth fail, God will take care of you;
When dangers fierce your path assail, God will take care of you.
Refrain: God will take care of you,
Through every day, over all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.
- All you may need He will provide, God will take care of you;
Nothing you ask will be denied, God will take care of you.
Refrain: God will take care of you,
Through every day, over all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.
- No matter what may be the test, God will take care of you;
Lean, weary one, upon His breast, God will take care of you.
Refrain: God will take care of you,
Through every day, over all the way;
He will take care of you,
God will take care of you.
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Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Sep 13, 2018 | Philippians
Philippians 1:21
“For to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
What is your attitude concerning our eternal home? I fear that all too many people live in a world of make-believe when it comes to making sure where they will spend eternity. It seems strange that people eagerly accept the idea of aliens from outer space, but scoff at the necessity of being born-again.
What a wonderful consolation it is for those of us who have repented and been born-again believers to know what is waiting for us. Heaven is a place and hell is also a place.
In order to arrive at the gates of hell it is not necessary to do anything. We are born in sin and that is our condemned condition unless we confess the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and invite Him into our heart.
When we stand beside the bedside of a loved one who is a believer, we can rest in the knowledge that there will be a great reunion when we all get to heaven. As we struggle through this vale of tears we can encourage those ready to meet the Lord with the words, “See you in heaven!” What wonderful comfort!
Blessings dear hearts. May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Sep 12, 2018 | Psalm
Psalm 84:12-13
“O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man who trusts in You! As they pass through the Valley of Tears, they make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools.”
In high school I worked part-time delivering milk door to door. We had an established route and each driver had detailed instructions on what each customer was to receive. No customer ever came to the door to thank me for coming into their lives to supply milk for them and their children.
If such an event had occurred I could not take the credit. Yes, I had faithfully delivered the milk, but who was ultimately responsible for the delivery? I think it may be safe to conclude it was the person who hired me, trained me, and supplied me with the milk to deliver. There is really no place for pride—I just delivered the milk as ordered.
Christians must never take pride in being used by the Lord. We share the Gospel, offer a prayer of faith and then leave the results up to God. Like delivering the milk, the One who sent us deserves the credit—we just make the delivery.
In today’s Scripture we are reminded that as we go through the valley of tears we have a delivery to make. Only God knows who is in that same valley waiting for the “milk” of God’s Word? Are you committed to deliver God’s “milk”?
Blessings dear hearts. May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Sep 11, 2018 | Matthew
Matthew 6:20
“But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.”
Over the years I have seen many people experience an unexpected financial collapse. Retirement accounts that seem to be adequate for the golden years can suddenly melt like a snowman in 90-degree weather! Those who possess the least, however, seem to be the least concerned.
Over the years I have heard excuses from people who fail to honor God with their giving. They say that they want to wait until the house sells … get a raise … receive their inheritance … or income tax refund … and on it goes. They reason that when one (or all) of these events takes place they will then have more to give to the work of the Lord.
Do you recall the incident when Jesus was in the temple courts? He saw rich people putting their gifts into the temple treasury. He also saw a widow put in a very small amount. Jesus commented that the woman had given more than all of the others because they gave out of their surplus, but she gave out of what little she had to live on. Read about it in Luke 21:1-4. It is a tragedy that many people (even some churches) place more confidence in the treasures of this world that will pass away than in heavenly treasures that will last forever and forever.
It is time for a heart examination: What treasures mean the most to you? Where are your treasures being stored? One second into eternity, which treasures will have the most value?
Blessings dear hearts. May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – Pastor Cecil
by Pastor Cecil | Sep 10, 2018 | Matthew
Matthew 5:16
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
I enjoy building a fire. I guess it started when I was a Boy Scout in my teens. One summer during a week-long camp, our scoutmaster taught us the fundamentals of building and maintaining a good fire. It was a thrill for us to use our shoe laces, a bow, a drill, and in a few minutes have a flame erupt from our dry shavings. He taught us to always have dry wood near at hand so we would be able to keep the fire burning.
In the cold winter months I build fires in my small wood stove. When I first ignite the fire I use plenty of paper and kindling to ignite the flames; and then I have to keep the fire growing by placing larger and larger pieces of wood in the flames.
If you place too large a piece of wood, however, it could be too much too soon — the fire will simply smolder and begin to die out. Then it is necessary to place smaller kindling back in the flames to allow the larger pieces to burn again.
In the spiritual realm we sometimes fail to learn the lessons from the fire box. We must insure that we light the fire in new believers. Then we need to provide just the right amount of kindling to get their flame burning bright. As we prayerfully add more and more solid wood, we need to watch for the moment when they are burning on their own and producing fire in those around them. GET BURNING!
Blessings dear hearts. May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – Pastor Cecil