Psalm 115:5

“They have mouths, but they do not speak; eyes they have, but they do not see.”

Recently I observed a driver making a right turn at an intersection. The traffic light was red for him and he was permitted to make a right turn, but only after coming to a complete stop and insuring that no on-coming traffic was approaching.

I was in an inside lane and watched as he narrowly missed the car having the right-of-way. It was then I noticed that he seemingly averted his eyes from the car he had cut in front of … as if by not looking at the other driver, his action was okay.

We once had a small dog named Perky. Perky loved to come to the table at meal time. He knew he was not supposed to, so he would turn his head away from the table as he drew near. Perky thought if he could not see us we could not see him.

Sometimes I think we treat God the same way. We fail to focus our attention on Him and thus feel that He cannot see us. That is totally false thinking. God knows us better than we will ever know ourselves, yet He still loves us enough to die on the cross for us. May God forgive us our blind eyes and allow us to see the reality of His love for us.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil