Psalm 148:13

Let them praise the name of the Lord, for His name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and heaven.”

During my U.S. Air Force service I was required to spend a one-year assignment apart from my family. There were many wonderful experiences during that year, but I always knew that I was only there temporarily — it was not home. I was homesick for my home and longed to return to my wife and three precious children.

Several years later I went to a hospital in Bend, Oregon, to visit a returned missionary who was a member of our congregation. The reports that we had received indicated that she was in very serious condition. I went intending to read a few passages of Scripture to her in order to cheer her up.

When I entered the missionary’s hospital room it was like an entryway into heaven. This precious saint was so excited about being with her Lord in a few short days that she could hardly contain herself. In the time I spent at her bedside she showered me with praise and hope. I had gone to lift her spirits, but I walked out of that hospital with such a feeling of joy that I almost wished it was me standing on the doorstep of eternity.

I want to encourage each of us to take time and think about being ushered into the presence of our loved ones who have gone on before us; imagine listening to them tell us about our new home that will last eternally. I am homesick for heaven!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing! 

– – – Pastor Cecil