Psalm 104:16-17

The trees of the Lord are full of sap, the cedars of Lebanon which He planted, where the birds make their nests; the stork has her home in the fir trees.”

It sounded like someone was knocking at the door, but there was no door located from where the sound originated. It was my introduction to the red-bellied Nuthatch using a rustic wooden birdhouse near my office window as a place to pound away at nuts from a nearby feeder.

For many years I have found much pleasure in feeding the wild birds in our area. It is a joy to watch as various varieties of birds flock to the feeders. There’s nectar for hummingbirds and black thistle seeds for finches, chickadees, and pine sickens. Then there are the nuts and seeds for wrens and hatches.

God has been pleased to bless us with a variety of creatures to show forth His provision as it is needed. I love caring for the birds that come to my feeders, and I know that God delights in caring for His precious children. He loves the birds of the sky and He cares for you and I.

As I watch “my” birds day by day I am always reminded that the Lord loves each of us supremely more than we care about the creatures we watch over. Stop right now and thank Him for His faithfulness to care for us.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil