Proverbs 16:9

“A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

Once again I have been blessed by the response of one of our readers. Kim has been a true beacon of God’s grace in a dark and chaotic world. In spite of our attempts the Lord knows what is best. Read what Kim shared with me today.

As I read your E-Votional this morning, I was reminded of my time spent gardening this weekend. I love to garden. It is one of my favorite past-times. I plan where I think each plant will do its best. Just when I think I have everything planned out so that it will look it’s best, I find something that I never planted and was not in my plan to be there. For instance, this weekend I was weeding in my flower bed and right there in the middle of my flower bed is a very small apple tree. It is vibrant and healthy and standing tall and strong right in the midst of the flowers.

I was dumb-founded. How could that happen? This was not part of my plan. It looked so happy there, I left it. It may not have be in my plan but it was in God’s plan.

Another much larger example of this is that last spring I spent way too much money purchasing wildflower seed. I seeded a very large area on the side of our house. It was going to be my field of wildflowers – less maintenance and a more natural look. I was so excited looking forward to this summer when I could enjoy my new field of wildflowers. Nothing happened. I had one single wildflower. I was so disappointed. I knew it was not the seed because I bought from a very reputable nursery. Then something strange happened. Every time I mowed the backyard I noticed more and more flowers coming up in the middle of the lawn. It seems my wildflower seeds had been moved, probably by the birds. Here is the thing – having them in my backyard means I see them all the time. Having them where I planted them would mean I would see them only when I was coming and going from the house. God’s plan is always the better plan!!

Thanks, Kim. You have blessed us again!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil


Proverbs 18:8

“The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.”

I once heard the humorous story of three ministers who were out on the lake fishing. Since they were not having any luck they soon became very bored. To break the monotony one of them suggested that they might feel better if they secretly confessed their greatest sin which would, of course, be held in strict confidence. The first minister confessed that his secret sin was alcohol consumption. The second confessed that he was a secret gambler. The third remained quiet until the first two pressured him to confess. He finally blurted out, “I am a gossip and I can hardly wait to get back to shore!”

In almost every segment of society (probably every segment) there is the problem of gossip… and contrary to the old stereotype, it is not just women either. If you doubt it, just listen in at a men’s morning coffee klatch and you will discover the truth that men gossip too.

I wish that gossip was not to be found in our church circles but, sad to say, that is not the case. Gossips in the church seem to feel they are the protectors of spiritual purity, when in fact they erode the foundation of trust and confidence.

What damage are your words causing? Are you building up the body of Christ by the things you share with others? Are you committed to always give a good report about others? Speak the good openly and pray for the sinful silently. Give no cause for the enemy to use our tongues to do his work.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil


 Psalm 143:10

“Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may your good Spirit lead on level ground.”

I recall being a young grade school boy and suffering through dull and lifeless classes. As I look back over my school years from this vantage point, I see that I might have profited by starting school one year later.  It was not that I was stupid, but my learning capacity was a little delayed.

It was not until 11th grade that I discovered that I was teachable. It was my speech teacher, Miss Helen Wilson, who held the key to open my mind. She did it by being excited by my progress and giving me encouragement. I not only began to get above-average grades in her class, but in all of my classes.

It would be easy to feel resentment toward all my other teachers who only saw me as an underachiever. I have come to understand, however, that they had no idea that there was potential just waiting to have someone discover my teach-ability.

We may never have a Miss Wilson in our life to encourage or motivate us, but we do have the precious Word of God that is even greater. All we need to do is open the Word and become teach-able!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil