FAITHFUL OR UNJUST? – Luke 16:10 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


Luke 16:10 –  Devotional

Luke 16:10

“He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.” (NKJV)

In a world that largely perverts justice, it is easy to become jaded in our thinking and prone to be pessimistic. It seems that those who strive to do what is noble and right are punished, while those who sin and sow discord are rewarded. So what else is new? That has been going on since sin entered into the world!

We are not called to be overcome by sin, but to overcome by means of the shed blood of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ! That means that we are to live a life that reflects the indwelling power of salvation that overcomes the world.

The question is; ARE WE FAITHFUL OR UNJUST? Are we just as faithful when we are all alone as when we are surrounded by witnesses? If we are the one lone born-again believer in the crowd, do we behave as a true believer should? I pray that the words of our mouth and the thoughts of our mind will be pleasing to our Savior and Lord!

Blessings dear hearts walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for June 24th:

    • 2 Kings 6:1-7:20
    • Acts 15:32-16:15
    • Psalm 142:1-7
    • Proverbs 17:24-25

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

JUST A BOY’S LUNCH! – John 6:9 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


John 6:9 –  Devotional

John 6:9

“There is a lad here, which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes: but what are they among so many?”

I enjoy considering the small things in life that the Lord uses to accomplish great things for the kingdom. It reminds me of the phrase from a spiritual song that goes something like; “Little is much when God is in it.”

I have shared many times about a mentally challenged man at a church I served in Idaho. His name was Roscoe, but I always thought of him as the man with a smile. While some ignored him, I chose to get better acquainted with him.

I learned from Roscoe that the small things in life are important when Jesus is made a part of them. A small flower or piece of paper with his smudged drawing were precious to him and became precious to me when I took the time to see them from his point of view.

Jesus delighted in taking time with the “Roscoes” of His world. They were the ones with just a sack lunch that became a feast for thousands. What is in the lunch that you are willing to give to the Master?

Blessings dear hearts walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for June 23rd:

    • 2 Kings 4:18-5:27
    • Acts 15:1-31
    • Psalm 141:1-10
    • Proverbs 17:23

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

KNOW WHO TO TRUST! – Psalm 20:7 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


Psalm 20:7 –  Devotional

Psalm 20:7

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses: but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”

I just received word that a dear friend and high school classmate, Dr. Floyd Johnson, has slipped into eternity. His skill as an orthopedic surgeon was eclipsed by his love of the Lord Jesus Christ. He gave a radiant testimony of a born again child of God.

The death of the saints of God that I have known reminds me that life passes quickly and what we do for Christ matters. People will remember us more for the way we love as Christ would have us love than any gift we may give.

A smile or touch speaks louder than the most obnoxious sound systems that modern rock bands employ. (Sorry about that personal observation). The world cries out for someone who really shows forth the love of Jesus!

I urge each of us to examine the life we live to determine if Jesus is pleased with us. As we remember the name of the Lord our God, may people see the reflection of Him in our daily walk.

Blessings dear hearts walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for June 22nd:

    • 2 Kings 3:1-4:17
    • Acts 14:8-28
    • Psalm 140:1-13
    • Proverbs 17:22

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

KNOW ME AND LEAD ME! – Psalm 139:23-24 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


Psalm 139:23-24 –  Devotional

Psalm 139:23-24

“Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

When I was a juvenile probation officer (ages ago), I frequently asked my probationers if they knew anything about reports of their misdeeds. Their response was frequently; “Search me?” That is not the message the Psalmist intends.

The Psalmist is sincerely asking the Lord to give him a heart examination to reveal the hidden issues that would cause a conflict between him and his Lord. He even asks the Lord to test him and try him. That means turning up the heat! Ouch!

We need that openness in our own prayer life in which we yield our innermost being to the Great Heart Specialist (the Lord) who knows the thoughts and intents of our heart.

After our heart examination we are to seek the leadership of the Lord for our life. Are we doing that? Are we so committed to the Lord that we will do what He says and go where He leads? I want that for my life.

Blessings dear hearts walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for June 21st:

    • 2 Kings 1:1-2:25
    • Acts 13:42-14:7
    • Psalm 139:1-2
    • Proverbs 17:19-21

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

THE LORD’S DELIVERANCE! – 2 Chronicles 20:17 Devotional

Hear Pastor Cecil read today's Evotional


2 Chronicles 20:17 –  Devotional

2 Chronicles 20:17

“You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.”

CLICK ON the “Hear Pastor Cecil read today’s Evotional” above.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Scripture for Today

by Pastor Cecil

One Year Bible Reading for June 19th:

    • 1 Kings 20:1-21:29
    • Acts 12:24-13:15
    • Psalm 137:1-9
    • Proverbs 17:16

If you have watched The Sands of Eternity video above and prayed the prayer at the end, please go to and use the form on the webpage to let us know so we can send you follow up resources and/or send an email to and let him know.

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