1 Corinthians 13:12

“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known!”

I want to give a special thanks to my dear friend and our webmaster, Russ Hansen for taking over for me these past three issues of the Daily-E-Votional. He truly is a brother beloved!

I was preparing to board the plane that would take me from Seattle, Washington to Boise, Idaho in order to deliver the funeral message for my brother, Harold. This was going to be a difficult task, but it was also a privilege. I had prayed for the message that the Lord would have me to deliver, and really felt the strong desire to fulfill this responsibility.

Shortly before the announcement to board, the Customer Service Agent delivered an unsettling bit of information: “May I please have your attention? We have just been informed that the conditions for landing in Boise are marginal. At this time we are within limits, but things could change by the time you arrive. It may not be possible to land, so the flight may have to return to Seattle.”

With this cheery bit of news we boarded our flight for the 90 minute flight to Boise. Ninety minutes later we felt the plane bank to the left and began flying in large circles. After ten or fifteen minutes the captain announced that, in fact, the conditions were not favorable for landing, but that we would continue circling the airport and hoping for a break in the fog.

We circled for about thirty five to forty minutes when the captain again gave us more words of encouragement: “Folks, we are running a little low on fuel. Two other planes have attempted to land and were unable to do so. We will just have enough fuel for one attempt to land before we will return to Seattle.”

As we entered the bank of intense fog there was nothing to be seen from the windows but white nothingness. Where were we? How high above the earth and were we heading in the right direction? The pilot might know (we certainly hoped so), but we had no idea where we were.  

As we make our way through life, we may think we know where we are, or wonder where we are or have no idea where we are, but thank God we have the Captain of our faith who is never in doubt about our location. He is the one we must trust in to bring us to a safe and secure landing. 

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil