Revelation 3:2

“Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die, for I have not found your works perfect before God.”

Back in 1953-1956 I served in the Air Force as a jet aircraft mechanic. I rode to work each morning with my crew chief, Anthony Urban. If I slept in a little too late, Joyce would hurry me up by shouting, “Cec, Urban is here!” It came to be like an electric shock to stir me to action.

After an exhausting day at work I would often lie down for a nap after dinner. Joyce had been alone all day and was eagerly waiting to spend some quality time together.   One evening as I was enjoying my sweet catnap I heard those feared words, “Cec! Wake up! Urban is here!” In a panic I pulled on my work uniform and was heading for the door when I saw her rolling with laughter! That was my last nap for a little while.

The prophets of old, Jesus in His earthly ministry, and the apostles after Him have called for all true believers to wake up while there is still time. Will you hear and heed the call?

We need to set our spiritual alarm clocks and wake up to the need of a lost and dying world around us. Many of our modern churches seem more concerned with show than the substance of life. I think it is past time to spend quality time in prayer and Bible study. WAKE UP!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil

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