Luke 2:51

Then He went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was subject to them, but His mother kept all these things in her heart.”

Years ago I worked for Judge Ben Riordan, an unforgettable character who served as the Juvenile Court Judge in our county. As I was the only Juvenile Probation Officer in our jurisdiction, Judge Riordan and I worked in close contact.

The Judge once shared with me about the problem one of his sons had in coming under parental authority. While the boy was a teenager he secured a job and began to earn his own money. Feeling independent, he more and more resisted the established rules of the house and became increasingly disrespectful.

To deal with the problem, Judge Ben explained to his rebellious son that since he was earning his own money he could now buy his own food. That meant that he would not be allowed to eat at home with the family until he changed his attitude and came under the authority of his parents. For about two weeks the boy ate away from home, but soon learned that much of his salary was going to pay for his meager meals. He finally made his apologies and was once again restored to the good graces of the family.

Sometimes we get away from God’s authority and feel that we are able to make it on our own. How foolish! It does not work that way and continued rebellion makes us miserable to ourselves and others. It is time to come home and make the Lord the leader of our life.

Blessings dear hearts!  Walk with God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil