Ecclesiastes 12:1

Remember your Creator in the days of your youth, before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say, ‘I find no pleasure in them.’

Newspaper columnist Erma Bombeck, who died in 1996, once wrote that she realized things had changed between Erma and her mother in the car. One day she was driving with her mother beside her in the passenger seat and had to slow rather quickly. Without thinking about it, she reached over to support her mother much like she had done for one of her children. Erma’s mother had now become the child, and Erma the mother.  Life had suddenly come full circle.

Shortly afterwards, Erma happened to be in the passenger seat with her daughter driving when she had to brake suddenly. You got it! The daughter reached over to support Erma. Oh, how things change!

Our granddaughter was with us over Christmas and was commenting on her age—“Being 25 is ‘unreal,'” she says.  When her brother was 20, our granddaughter thought it would be forever before she would reach that age, and now she is five years past that!

Her comments reminded me of just how quickly life passes. There is no time for procrastination. The things that God calls us to do must be done when He tells us to do it . . . not when we get around to it. Only one life and it soon will pass. Only what is done for Christ will last!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

—Pastor Cecil