Matthew 5:16
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
I can recall way back when I was a small boy singing a sweet little song called “This Little Light of Mine.” As we sang the lyrics we would hold up one finger like it was a candle, protecting it to make sure that Satan could not blow it out and extinguish our light.
Our own children sang that same song, but I’m not sure if children today still sing it. If not, they should. Not only do the children need to sing it, but we adults need to sing that song as well. The darker the night of sin around us, the more important it is that we have the light of Jesus to penetrate the darkness.
Sometimes we feel like the sin surrounding us is so dark that our single light will not make a difference, which reminds me of a tour my family once took at Carlsbad Caverns. Once inside the cavern, our guide extinguished all the lights and we were suddenly enveloped by impenetrable darkness. As I recall, he turned on a single flashlight and it seemed as though the entire cavern was filled with light. Just one little flashlight transformed that thick darkness into light.
Each of us has the opportunity of bringing light to the dark world in which we live. It is a choice that we make whether we will allow our light to shine or whether we will be overcome by the darkness. We need to choose to live our life in such a way that our light will shine brightly. It may be small … but it can change the world!
Blessings dear hearts!
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil