Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
My wife, Joyce, once worked as a legislative assistant. One of the Legislators she was assigned to had very little experience in how to conduct business and almost drove Joyce up the wall with her misplaced priorities. Each project assignment was marked “Highest Priority!” Before long, Joyce’s desk was piled high with “Highest Priority” projects that begged the question . . . which one to deal with first?
I often think of our Christian walk being somewhat like that. We have many things that demand our attention—many of them are very important and, in fact, we probably label them priority items. But just like Joyce’s dilemma, the inevitable question arises as to which task outranks the others in importance. Sad to say, it can often lead to spiritual depression.
Jesus knows each and every heart. We might say that He is supreme in our life, but where do we place our priorities? Do we devote ourselves to the pursuit of things that will fade and pass away, or to the things of everlasting value?
In today’s Scripture we are clearly directed to “. . . seek FIRST His kingdom and His righteousness.” That’s right—we are to make seeking His kingdom and His righteousness the ultimate priority in our life. What is your ultimate priority?
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
—Pastor Cecil