Luke 10:36

“So which of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among the thieves?”

There is a well-traveled path we encounter in life—it is called “the other side.”  Those who travel this well worn highway will inevitably encounter those who have been beaten and robbed.  The victims are all around us and, frankly, they are in a pretty deplorable condition.  Do you stop to help or do you pass by on “The Other Side?”

A young man had been going through a time of trials in his life. He felt led to visit a local hospital. He stopped at the nurse’s station on the floor that treated cancer patients and asked one of the nurses if she had any patients who were close to death and might like to have someone pray with them. She suggested a few that he might drop by and visit. Three men were openly eager to listen to the plan of salvation and they each prayed to invite the Lord into their heart.  The result of his choosing “The Right Side” were three names written down in glory!

It is easy to become like the priest or the Levite.  We can get so caught up in our own circumstances or in our ministry that we stay far away from those who are in great need.  There are people on their way to hell and we spend our time and energy doing nothing other than staying as far away from the needy as possible.

I pray that our eyes may be open as never before and that our actions match those of the Samaritan in Jesus’ parable.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil