Luke 15:30

But as soon as this son of yours came, who has devoured your livelihood with harlots, you killed the fatted calf for him.”

When Jesus gave the parable of the lost son, I think we naturally assume the lost son was the younger brother who left and went into a far country where he hit rock bottom. We need to remember that Jesus gave the parable in Luke 15 to refute the accusations against Jesus of receiving sinners and eating with them.

I think we have all been thrilled to read of how the younger brother came to his senses when he hit rock bottom in that far country and returned to his father’s house prepared to be a servant, not even a son.

The story we often miss is that of the older brother. He was away from his father’s house as well. It was not in a far country, but in his mind he was just as much in a far country as his young brother. Notice that he accuses his brother of spending his money on harlots. Beep! There was no way he had knowledge of what his brother was doing. Because of the distance there was no communication. This older brother must have been fantasizing about these illicit delights. THAT IS SIN!

The sad thing is that there was never any indication that the older brother saw his need of his father’s love and restoration. He refused his father’s plea to come into the house and rejoice. Which brother do you identify with? I want to be like the younger brother!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil