Luke 18:14

“I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”

I am sure you recall this story I have used before. A pastor had just finished delivering a message on the subject of humility. He waxed eloquent and seemingly the congregation was moved by his words. Following the service, as he was greeting people at the door, a little lady shook his hand with exuberance and said; “Thank you for that message pastor. You know I have very few talents or abilities, but the one thing I can take pride in is my humility!” (I think the pastor went home in tears!)

Humility is a choice, just as pride is a choice. I once was counseling a young college student who outwardly appeared timid and withdrawn. She spoke only in meek and mild tones. After several weeks of counseling she seemed to be getting no closer to finding peace.

Before one of her appointments I was praying for the Lord to give me guidance. Suddenly the Lord revealed that her problem was pride. I was stunned at the idea and wondered how she would respond when I confronted her. To my astonishment she began to sob and confessed that her heart was proud even though she disguised it by acting shy and withdrawn. We prayed as she confessed. Healing followed!

There are many Bible characters that come to mind that are examples of God’s humble servants. Job was a prime example of true humility. In Exodus 12 we read that Moses was the most humble man on earth. The lives of Joseph and Daniel give us pictures of sincere humility and dependence on God. There are many more.

What defines true humility? I believe that it is trusting God without having to be the one who makes it happen. It is recognizing that others are just as important in doing God’s work as we are. It is having the attitude ― I can’t, He can, that’s all I need to know, let’s go!

Are you a humble servant of the Lord? Have you surrendered your own reputation and prestige to His ultimate control? If not I urge you to have an unconditional surrender ceremony and sign over control of your life to the Lord.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil