Isaiah 9:2

“The people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” 

I can recall as boy (it is getting harder and harder to remember that far back) singing a kid’s song, “This little light of mine.” Light has always been an interesting subject for me. All through Scripture we read references to the term “light” and, as near as I can tell, there are 272 references to “light” in the King James Version.  

Last Friday marked the first day of the eight-day celebration of Hanukkah (The Festival of Lights). I fear that most people fail to understand its meaning and significance. In 165 B.C. the Syrian-Greek emperor Antiochus made the observance of Judaism a punishable offense. He even desecrated the Temple by offering a swine on the altar.

Antiochus was killed, but the Temple had been defiled and required ritual cleansing.  Consecrated olive oil was needed for the eternal flame, but they found only enough of the consecrated oil for one day. The problem was that it required eight days to press, prepare and consecrate fresh olive oil for the eternal flame — the people needed a miracle and God provided it.  In a miraculous manner, the flame continued to burn for the full eight days on the one-day supply of oil, after which the Temple was dedicated.

It is interesting to read in John 10:22-23, that Jesus traveled to Jerusalem in winter to be present for the celebration of the Feast of Dedication. Our miracle-working Savior authenticated and blessed the Feast by his presence. We need a miracle in our own day. We need the oil in our lamps to burn bright and remain until He comes again. What a day that will be!

 Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!      

– – – Pastor Cecil