Matthew 26:38

Then He said to them, ‘My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with Me.’”

In yesterday’s Blessings From the Heart I used the title “GO!”  — so it may sound a little contrary to select the title “STAY!” for today. It appears the two terms are opposed to each other, but even a casual study will reveal that is not the case.

If we go in our own strength and with our own wisdom we will be doomed to fall short of God’s plan and purpose for our life. Jesus was facing the ordeal of the cross and called His disciples to stay with Him and watch. Instead, they allowed their own weariness to supersede His invitation.

Before we reach out and impact the world for Jesus, we need to stay close by His side. The disciples had been by the side of their Master for several years. They had even been able to perform miracles when He sent them out two by two. But now, as always, He needed them to stay close to Him.

It is time to commit ourselves to staying close to the Lord. There is nothing we can do in our own strength that will last for eternity. The fact of the matter is that when we do things in our own strength,  it leads to pride of self rather than glory to the Lord. I want to stay close to Him every moment of every day so I will be useful to Him.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil

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