1 Corinthians 15:58

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

Please indulge me by reading today’s Scripture over two or three times. Having done so do you see something a little strange? When Paul uses the term “stand firm,” It is a labor for Christ. It reminds me of something I read in the book by David Benson, Miracle In Moscow. (I think it is available from Amazon). David has granted me permission to quote from it. During the cold war he risked his life to deliver Bibles to believers in the USSR. It was 6 months since he had contact with the Christian brother and as he stood at the place where he was to meet his contact, he did not appear and David had no way of locating him in a city of 7 million people. Let me quote from David’s book:

“I began to pray for guidance, but before I could get one word out, God said, Benson, for once keep quiet! Before the sun goes down you will see My glory.’ Then the great promise God gave the children of Israel; ‘Fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!’ flashed into mind.

At that time of year the sun over Moscow goes down around 4:00 P.M. That gave two hours to work! Also I was to ‘stand still.’ I did not take that literally for to stand like a statue in front of the Bolshoi Theater with luggage would certainly draw the attention of some policeman, who at best might think I was a lost tourist and offer his unwanted aid. I took ‘stand still’ to mean that I should not try to figure a way out of my predicament, that I must do something contrary to what I thought I should do.

—-On former trips to I had bought all kinds of of plays, speeches and poetry readings recorded on long play discs. These I shipped back to the States and used to improve my Russian. The only play I had been unable to find was one by Chekhov.    

Across the square from the Bolshoi theater is the Metropole Hotel, a grand structure built by the Tsars. It is now used for tourists, and most of the rooms were outfitted with listening devices. —

I took a long shot, not really knowing why. With Bibles in bags and clothing, I walked into this hall lined on both sides with desks behind which sat Communist agents ‘ready to help you with any of your travel problems.’ I had a problem all right, but no one in that room must know it. I recognized a woman I had met before. — She never smiled but was all efficiency and obviously a sold-out Marxist. I knew if I wanted answers she would have them. — As I asked about the Chekhov plays I was well aware of the large number of Bibles I carried.”

I will break away from his narrative to say that this woman scribbled out an address of a particular record shop and said “You will find everything you want there.” She emphasized the words I have highlighted. The cab driver used the same words and the same emphasis; “You will find everything you want there.”

As David arrived near the record shop and placed his bags on the icy sidewalk he was aware of many people rushing up and down. As he stared in the shop window, he thought of the song, “Fools Rush in Where Angels Fear to Tread.” David picked up his bags and was bumped into by a short, stocky man. It was Vitya! The contact to whom he was to deliver the Bibles.

Only by the grace of God was this wonderful miracle performed. The Communist authorities had moved Vitya and there was no way for him to let David know where he was, but God knew where Vitya was. As David stood firm, the Lord did a mighty thing.

Are we standing firm in our daily walk with the Lord? Are we trying to do God’s work our way hoping it will please God? God is not interested in our efforts to do His work our way. He is looking for followers who will stand firm and allow Him to lead us. 

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil