Matthew 5:16
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
My wife, Joyce had a tradition that on the birthday of one of our family or loved ones who had passed on to be with the Lord she would light a candle and burn it all day in memory of that precious one. Last Sunday, May 10, was Mother’s Day but it was also Joyce’s birthday. Early in the day I turned on a LED candle . . . one of those tiny candles that I had purchased at the Dollar Tree. My experiences with these candles are that they usually last only a couple of days. After seven days that tiny candle still flickers . . . faintly but it’s flickering.
It is made me think about our testimony . . . The things that make us all we really are. Do people see our light burning brightly? Do they see the light of Jesus in all that we do and all that we say? Actions burn brighter than mere words.
I want my light to shine for Christ, especially in this sin darkened world, so that people will be able to see that there is hope. I want them to see that in the midst of all the rotten things around us there can be light.
Someone has written; The darker the night the brighter our light shines. Unfortunately we spend much of our time complaining about the darkness instead of getting so close to Jesus that we begin to glow. That makes me wonder again about how bright my light shines. I want it to shine for Jesus.
May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!
– – – Pastor Cecil