Isaiah 6:8

“Then I heard the voice of the LORD saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I, send me!'”

Have you ever felt that the Lord was speaking to you? It may be loud and strong or soft and gentle, but you have no doubt it was the voice of the Lord calling you to action.

Isaiah had seen a wonderful vision of the Lord. It was such radiance and glory that he feared for his life. This passage reminds us that the closer we come to the Lord Jesus Christ, the more aware we are of our sinful condition and our need of confession and cleansing.

After Isaiah confessed his sinful condition and heard the “call” of the Lord, he was left with a choice: He could go himself or wait for someone else to be sent. If he had chosen the latter he would never have been the dynamic prophet who spoke God’s truth.

It is possible for us to read the Bible and be aware of God’s call to people across the ages of time. We may even be distressed by those who turned away from the call as did the rich young ruler in Luke 18:18-30. What do we do when God calls us?

Once Upon A Pew!

Once upon a pew I sat and heard the preacher ask,
“We need someone to teach a class, Now who will take this task?”
Then God sat down beside me there and said, “Son, that’s for you.”
“But, Lord, to stand before a class is one thing I can’t do.
Now Bill would be the man to call, there’s nothing he won’t do.
I’d rather hear the lesson taught from here upon my pew.”

Once upon a pew I sat and heard the preacher ask,
“We need someone to lead the songs, now who will take this task?”
Then God sat down beside me there and said, “Son, that’s for you.”
“But Lord, to sing before a crowd is one thing I can’t do.
Now Brother King will do the job, there’s nothing he won’t do.
I’d rather hear the music played from here upon my pew.”

Once upon a pew I sat and heard the preacher ask,
“I need someone to keep the door, now who will take this task?”
Then God sat down beside me there and said, “Son, that’s for you.”
“But saying things to strangers, Lord, Is one thing I can’t do.
Now Tom can talk to people, Lord, there’s nothing he won’t do.
I’d rather someone come to me and greet me on the pew.”

As years just seemed to pass me by, I heard that voice no more.
Until one night I closed my eyes and woke on heaven’s shore.
It was four of us together there to face eternity.
God said, “I need just three of you to do a job for me.”
“O Lord, I cried, “I’ll do the job, there’s nothing I won’t do.”
But Jesus said, “I’m sorry, friend, in Heaven there’s no pew.”

– Author Unknown

God never calls us to supply Him with names of others to help. When we are aware of a need, it is most often our call to get busy and do it. Across the years I have been all too sadly aware that it is the busiest people who will be willing to do even more. Those who are doing little will do nothing!

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Trust Him completely and become a real blessing.

— Pastor Cecil