Matthew 8:34

 And behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus. And when they saw Him, they begged Him to depart from their region.

Picture the scene:  Jesus had just released two men who had been under the power of demons. They were now set free! The men must have been rejoicing with Jesus and His disciples about how free they felt.  They now had new life and a new hope. Jesus had done what no other power on earth could do!

In their demon-possessed state they had been rejected by the community because of their violent behavior. Now that they were delivered they must have wanted to tell their friends and family the good news, but they just had to spend more time talking with Jesus.  Before they could leave, the villagers came out to them. Instead of rejoicing with the healed men they were angry. The men who had tended the swine had rushed into town to complain that the swine had perished.

Not only did the people refuse to celebrate the miraculous healing of these men who had been demon possessed, they demanded that Jesus leave them alone. That is very similar to the way some sinners treat Jesus in our own day. Sometimes people become so comfortable in the sin of indifference that they demand to be left alone. They REJECT the Lord who offers them eternal salvation in order to remain in their perceived comfort zone. They fail to see they reject their own salvation.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil