Matthew 13:8
But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop; some a hundred-fold, some sixty, some thirty.

One of my greatest delights is to stand in the middle of a large tomato patch with luscious ripe tomatoes all around me just begging to be eaten. I never let them down! This year I only had one plant, but it was a beauty! I have never seen such huge tomatoes and the flavor was fantastic. I did not have to spend much time growing my crop, but the harvest made me feel like a real gardener.

I must confess I usually feel guilty participating in the harvest without doing any of the work to bring it about. Over the years I have had the blessing of leading individuals to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Frequently they are more than ready to pray the sinners prayer and give their hearts to the Lord. I often have heard about how others have witnessed to them and prayed for them across the years. Others did the sowing and I just had the joy of harvesting.

Some Christians delight in counting how many people they have led to the Lord. To me that is tragic! The Lord has called all of us to work in His fields. We may plow, sow, water or reap—but it is what the Lord calls us to do—not what we choose to do ourselves that counts.

It is my prayer that when I get to heaven, some joyous soul will greet me with a great smile and say, “You never knew it, but something you said (or did) made me realize I needed the Lord in my life. Years later I accepted Jesus. Thank you!” God needs workers in His fields. Will you accept His call and make yourself available to Him?

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil