Romans 12:9

“Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.”

I once attended a Christian counselor’s conference where one of the speakers related a sad but humorous antidote. It seems a wife was seeing a marriage counselor and complained that her husband never told her he loved her. When asked about it, the husband said he told his wife he loved her when they were married thirty years ago; he had never withdrawn that statement, therefore, it was still in force. RIGHT!

Pure love is a sacrificial love. It is the act of being more concerned about the object of our love than satisfying our own desires. The greatest example is the love Jesus Christ demonstrated in giving His own life in order that we may inherit eternal life.

We need to show our love by the words of our mouth, but much more so by the things we do. If we say we love God yet never spend any time reading the Bible or praying, our inaction speaks for us. It is phony love.

It is time for an honest examination of our love for God. Is it a phony love that we have for the Lord who loved us enough to die for us? We can show our pure love by turning away from evil and clinging to the goodness of God.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil