1 Peter 1:22

Now that you have purified yourselves by obeying the truth so that you have sincere love for each other, love one another deeply, from the heart.

February 14th is celebrated as Valentine’s Day. It is the day that florists, jewelers and chocolatiers look forward to. It is often the one and only time during the year that love is shown by husband and wife. To me that seems shallow and empty. I would much rather demonstrate love by action each and every day than giving a gift on one day.

My precious bride and I have been married almost 58 years. She is the gift of God to me and I delight in showing my love for her in sacrificial ways each and every day. Joyce is not as strong as she once was (who is?) and it is my joy and delight to assume many of the tasks that she once was able to do. If I did these tasks with a grumbling attitude it would be the opposite of love. I will let you in on a little secret. We are more in love now than when we first met as young teens.

So how does Joyce show her pure love for me? By acknowledging the things I do and making by me feel like the most important person in her life. We can hardly bear being apart even for a few hours when I have some ministry to perform.

Jesus demonstrated His pure love for us by giving His very life for us. It is not the things that we do for Him that gives us entry into the heaven He has planned for us. It is accepting the blood that He shed on Calvary. His pure love was so great that it covers all our sins as we confess our need and accept His precious gift of eternal life. Praise the Lord for that wonderful gift of eternal life!

Blessings dear hearts. Give obediently to the Lord, be willing to make the Lord’s deliveries when asked and above all, be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil