1 Chronicles 16:25-26  

“Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who delights greatly in His commandments.”

There have been times in my life when I have been blessed to be overcome with pure delight. For instance, that day so long ago when I knelt at an altar on the last day of Vacation Bible School and received Jesus as my personal Savior was a life-changing delight.

Then there was the day I first saw my future wife. We were just fourteen, but it was a moment I will never forget — a moment of pure delight. I somehow “knew” that she was the only girl for me! We grew inseparable for over 65 years.

The birth of our three children, eight grandchildren, and eight (soon to be nine) great-grandchildren have been times of pure delight. As I consider the days of my life, I realize what rich blessings the Lord has showered upon me.

It is often easy to focus on the personal blessings and overlook the greatest delight of all — the unchanging Word of God. In times of trial and heartache, His word has been my constant delight. I can rejoice with tears in my eyes because the Lord has given me the assurance that He will never leave me! WHAT PURE DELIGHT!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil