James 1:4

“Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”

I personally do not care for the word, “perseverance.” In some translations it is called “patience.” I don’t care for that term either. In the Greek it has this meaning: “Does not easily succumb under suffering.”

As I have memorized and meditated on the first chapter of the book of James, I have been impressed that James uses the word repeatedly. Over and over he calls for the believer to allow perseverance or patience to complete its work in our life.

If the truth were known most of us feel that the completion of patience is when the trials and tribulations in our life come to an end. I do not see this in this scripture and I do not see it in the lives of God’s saints.

The end of perseverance is the awareness that God is doing a work in and through our trials. He is not interested in weak-willed believers who are only interested in feeling good or having an easy walk. God’s faithful saints have gone through the fire of affliction and praised God that they were worthy to suffer for His name.

None of us can be sure of what will happen in our life, but we can be assured that regardless of the circumstances we can find “pure joy” in each and every trial that crosses our path.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

– – – Pastor Cecil (360) 570-0074

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