Philippians 2:17-18

But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.

From time to time I have been in services or watched on television as a congregation was led in a chorus of There’s a Sweet, Sweet Spirit In This Place. One line in that song is, There are sweet expressions on each face. Beep! As my eyes scan over the crowd I see that only a few have sweet expressions on their face. For the most part they look like they have just been baptized in vinegar.

I have no idea where certain people have the idea that to be a Christian is to have a sour look on your face. It is almost like asking someone if they just hit their thumb with a hammer and them responding, “No, I’m a Christian.” Now that is sad! If anyone should have joy oozing out of each pore it should be a born again child of God who has been rescued from death to life.

Paul knew what it was like to endure pain and suffering for the sake of Christ. Rather than having a pity party, he used his situation to rejoice. When he and Silas had first arrived in Philippi, they ended up in prison. (Acts 16:15). Rather than being down and out, they sang and praised at the top of their lungs. I do not think that was the cause of the earthquake (my singing might cause that), but the Lord used His earthquake to free all of the prisoners. The jailer, his family, and I am sure many of the prisoners became the members of that church in Philippi.

Now Paul reminds them and us that we rejoice regardless of the circumstances of life. In fact, the worse things are around us, the more we should literally glow with joy and rejoicing that God is still on the throne! Praise the Lord! He is our source!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil