Exodus 3:4-5

When the LORD saw that he had gone over to look, God called from within the bush, (Moses, Moses!) And Moses said, (Here I am.) (Do not come any closer,) God said. (Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground.)

There is little concern in our day and age for the sacred things of God. Sloppiness, indifference, and a casual approach to the Word of God is of great concern. It almost seems as if many have created a God of their own making which allows or permits people to come into the presence of the King of kings and have no regard for His holiness.

I am not necessarily speaking of worship services, but that would certainly apply. What I am picturing is the contact we have with the Lord. I fear that much of the time we are so preoccupied with what is going on around us that we fail to see and experience the awesome holiness of God. Have we encountered the burning bush in our life?

After the encounter with the Burning Bush, Moses was empowered to become an instrument of God in leading the children of Israel from the bondage of slavery. Following this encounter, Joshua led the Israelites to supernatural victory over Jericho and the other cities in Canaan. Are you experiencing victories in your spiritual life? Have you had a burning bush experience?

In our personal burning bush we make our altar before the Lord. We are to fall on our face before the Spirit of God. In this holy place we must recognize that we are in the presence of the God who knows our every thought. It is not a place for us to boast or brag about what we have done, but a place where we acknowledge that without Him we are nothing. He must be our all in all!

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil