Matthew 22:39b
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
From time to time I have the opportunity to assist someone who is having some type of limitation. I once read of a woman who noticed a blind woman with her “seeing eye dog” enter a commuter train in a large city. There were no seats available and the woman was having difficulty keeping her balance as the train began to move. Sadly no able bodied person responded to the need.
The woman who was relating this incident became incensed that no one was responding to this obvious need. The Lord seemed to tap her on the shoulder and reminded her that she was the one who saw the need, so do the right thing!
Even though she was seven months pregnant she immediately rose and directed the blind woman to her seat. This seemed to trigger a young man as to his responsibility, so he rose and allowed the pregnant woman his seat.
Just remember that we are surrounded by OTHERS and God wants us to be ready and willing to reach out and show the love of Jesus by our response. Ask the Lord to give you a greater awareness to the needs of others and show the love of Jesus in thought, word and above all by your deeds.
Blessings dear hearts! Walk with God today and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil