2 Kings 6:17

“And Elisha prayed, ‘Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see.’ Then the LORD opened the servant’s eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

I have had the blessing of knowing a few blind people. At first I was a little uncomfortable when I was around them. I was worried that I would say something or do something that would make them uncomfortable or even irritated with me. On the contrary, they have usually been a delight to be around. As a matter of fact we have several blind subscribers to the Daily-E-Votional.

It has been my experience that many sighted people are far more spiritually blind than some who have lost their physical eyesight. In a manner of speaking we need to pray that the Lord will open our eyes to see what is happening around us.

In today’s Scripture, Elisha was surrounded by an armed force that was sent to capture him. Elisha’s servant was terrified when he woke and saw that they were surrounded. It was then that Elisha prayed this prayer and suddenly the servant could see that God’s army was far superior to the puny human army.

We may be faced with obstacles in our life that seem insurmountable. It is at these times that we need to pray the God of heaven that He might open our eyes in order that we can understand God is in control. Here is the question that we need to ask ourselves: Are we praying for the Lord to give us sight to see His power displayed?

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil

P.S. – You can find previous E-Votionals covering a variety of Scriptures and topics to help you in your walk with the Lord at www.Daily-E-Votional.com My book, 100 of Pastor Cecil’s Select Illustrations, is now available on Kindle books. Just go the Kindle store and type in Pastor Cecil’s Select Illustrations, or Pastor Cecil Thompson.