Matthew 3:8

Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance.”

I was saved when I was nine or ten years old ― so long ago that I can’t remember my exact age. It is not essential to know my age; I just knew that I was not a Christian and the only way to become one was to confess my sins and invite Jesus into my heart.

There were about ten or fifteen other kids kneeling at the altar that night. The Pastor instructed us to stand when we knew that Jesus had become our Savior and Lord. After pouring out words of repentance to the Lord and praying for Him to come in, I knew that something had happened. I had been born again! When I stood and saw that all of the other kids were also on their feet, I felt confused. But I knew what had just happened within me was real. I was now a born-again Christian!

Did that mean that I could live any way I wanted? NO! Did it mean that I had to start the process of spiritual growth? Absolutely! Spiritual growth can never precede spiritual birth. Just as I had a lot of physical maturing ahead of me, so too I had a lot of spiritual maturing to do.

We cannot be justified by our good deeds or righteous actions. Spiritual birth must precede spiritual growth. It is only then that we understand and practice what it means to be a faithful born-again Believer in Jesus our Savior.

Blessings dear hearts! May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!  – – – Pastor Cecil