Proverbs 20:29

The glory of young men is their strength, And the splendor of old men is their gray head.

My second duty assignment as a commissioned officer in the United States Air Force was in Shreveport, Louisiana. We began attending a local church and it was there that I met a man who soon became my spiritual mentor. His name was (and still is) Dr. John Hall.

The man who had been a spiritual giant in John’s spiritual life was Jack Dedman. Jack, one of the most delightful southern gentlemen I have ever met, just seemed to exude the spirit of Jesus. I will never forget listening to some sermon tapes in Jack’s living room while he reclined in an easy chair where he would either be snoring or softly praising Jesus. What a sweet man of God he was. I am sure he is in Paradise right now with praises on his tongue.

I am humbled that John Hall is a subscriber to this ministry. He wrote last week and mentioned a quote Papa Jack often used: “You are just as old as your doubts and fears, just as young as your faith and hope.” Wow!

I am not sure how long any of us have left of our life, but one thing I know for certain: I want my life typified by faith and hope rather than doubts and fears. Jesus gives us that wonderful spiritual sight that sees heaven waiting for us.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil