1 Peter 2:2

“As newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word that you may grow thereby.”

Last week I was traveling along Interstate I-5 when I noticed a logging truck ahead of me. In the northwest it is not an uncommon sight to see trucks carrying loads of logs, but this was exceptional. The logs were huge and I marveled at their size as I passed the truck. I knew they were old growth timber.

It is a shock to see bare hillsides where timber has been cut. Owners of the land soon plant seedlings and in a short time there are young trees. Many of the logs we see harvested in this part of the country come from third and forth growth trees that have been planted after previous logs have been harvested.

Day by day we observe the passing of the saints of God. They have been our mentors and guides, but as the years slip by they pass the torch on to the next generation of believers. At first it seems the spiritual hillside looks bare and lifeless, but hopefully spiritual growth will occur.

It is time for each believer to recognize that responsibility for growth in the Lord is a fact of life. We need to strive to become “OLD GROWTH” saints of God who will stand shoulder to shoulder creating a mighty forest for the Lord.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil