James 4:13-14
“You do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
When I was a rookie police officer in Caldwell, Idaho, there was a sergeant who was near retirement age. He worked on the front desk and dispatched the officers whenever there was some sort of emergency.
The thing I remember most about Old Bill was his anger. This anger was usually directed at his playing cards. He played Solitaire hour after hour during the night shift. Now playing Solitaire may not be bad, but Old Bill would explode in anger when he lost, which was most of the time.
The officers who were on duty during the night shift laughed about how Bill would become so upset about a silly game of cards that he played with himself. It seemed to be foolish to feel so strongly about something so insignificant.
As I reflect on the actions of Old Bill, I wonder about the things in our life that we tend to become upset about. What are the vital things that have eternal value? According to today’s Scripture, this life is like a mist that will soon pass away. That being the case, why do we place so much value on temporal things but neglect things of eternal value?
I want to make my life count for the Lord. It is my desire to give myself fully to serve Him in all I say and do. I never want to be like Old Bill who spent himself on the foolishness of a game of cards.
Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!
– – – Pastor Cecil