2 Corinthians 1:20

“For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us.”

Our local newspaper circulates an advertising paper called YES, which is thrown onto one’s porch or driveway without prior approval. I know it is not a big thing, but I have never liked receiving this circular in its ugly pink plastic wrapper.

Today there was a note inside the latest issue of YES that gave a number to call if you wanted to be unsubscribed. I called the number and after a delay, a customer service representative came on the line.

When the rep asked if I wanted to be unsubscribed, I told him that I had never been subscribed. His next statement almost made me laugh: “You are saying no to YES, is that correct?” I responded: “Yes, I am saying no to YES.” It suddenly felt like I was repeating an Abbot and Costello comedy sketch!

As we read today’s Scripture we find directions to God’s eternal YES. All of the promises we find in His Word are a resounding YES! This is the YES we must never say no to, but an echoing Yes! Yes! Yes!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions as you say yes to His promises!

– – – Pastor Cecil