John 16:7

But very truly I tell you, it is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Advocate will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.

I was reading my Bible one day during the lunch hour. As I read it was as if the words were lifting off the page. I saw new insights that I had never seen before. It was at this moment that I knew that the Holy Spirit was illuminating the word to my heart. I laughed quietly as I was relishing this intimate moment with the Lord.

Only a few minutes passed before there was a knock at my door. It was a fellow believer who wanted to spend time with me in order to better understand the Bible. I have to confess that I felt a momentary resentment. He was interrupting my intimate time with God. It was then that I felt checked in my spirit. This was an opportunity to invite this brother to experience a personal contact with God. We began to meet each day at noon and the Lord was always there to show us truths from His Word. We were convinced that the Lord was eager to meet us each day.

Since that day back in the 1970’s, I have looked forward to spending time with the Lord. It is such a rich encounter with my Savior and Lord that words cannot begin to describe it. The times in my life that I have experienced the most challenges are the times when I have felt the Lord nearest to me.

I would like to encourage you to seek the same encounter with the Lord who loves you so much. Ask Him to show you special truths as you read the Bible. It may seem trivial to some people, but to you it will confirm that He has met with you and the two of you have enjoyed sweet fellowship.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil


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