Joshua 24:15b

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”

Throughout the course of time, countless fathers have bowed in humble submission to their Heavenly Father and dedicated their family to serve Him. I have known many ministers of the Gospel who have prayerfully given their families over to serve the Lord.

The heartbreak is that some of the children who were dedicated to serve the Lord have chosen to turn away from the Faith. It is heart rending for these precious servants of the Lord to feel helpless as their children reject everything they have been taught.

There is no easy answer to the question of why this happens. In some cases there may be something the children see in their father that fails to ring true. But in other instances, it is pure rebellion on the child’s part.

God has established the role of the father to provide an umbrella of spiritual protection for his wife and children. As long as they remain under that umbrella, they experience the blessing of the Lord. As free moral agents, however, it is their choice to step from under that spiritual covering. The only thing that a father can do is stay close to the Lord and be prepared to welcome the prodigal child if and when he or she returns.

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

– – – Pastor Cecil