Isaiah 55:6

Seek the LORD while He may be found; call on Him while He is near.

Over my many years of ministry I have urged individuals, couples and congregations to call on the name of the Lord at the earliest sign of difficulty. In fact I have gone so far as to beg them to keep in such close contact with the Lord that they talk with Him all through the day.

I wish I could report that my recommended counsel has been followed. That is just not the case. Many times I have had people come and weep bitter tears because they had met with chaos in their life and things were falling apart.

What do you do when your life has come unraveled and hopes have been crushed? The answer is always the same. Call on the name of the Lord. There is no way I have the power to restore and put the broken pieces of their life back together, but I know that when a life is totally surrendered to God, He gives hope for the hopeless.

You may be at a critical juncture of your life at this very moment. Your marriage or your job or your health or your children or your . . . do I need to go on? You get the idea. Regardless of what you face right now, I urge you to memorize Isaiah 55:6 and then do what it says!

May God richly bless you as you bless others by your words and actions!

—Pastor Cecil