Isaiah 64:4

Since ancient times no one has heard, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for Him.

I do not possess a scientific mind, but I do have an interest in the scientific world. I was recently watching a program on the construction of a huge and very expensive telescope. When I say expensive I mean in the multiple million dollar range.

The scientists who were being interviewed about the project were explaining that by using this new advanced telescope they would be able to determine how the universe came into being. (They could read the book of Genesis and save all of the money this project was costing).

Since the time of man’s sin against God, he has tried to circumvent God’s plan and purpose for His people. Many scientists have devoted their entire lives to discover some truth that would prove that there is no God. From time to time they have made wild claims to have discovered this truth only to have their theories explode in the face of new evidence that far more supports the creation model than their man made theory of evolution.

I choose to look beyond my own limited understanding and simply rest in the truth as presented in God’s Word. When I come to the end of this earthly journey I will have all of the answers I need. Until then I choose to look beyond the foolishness of man and trust in the God who created the heavens and the earth.

Blessings dear hearts. Draw near to God today, trust Him completely and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil