1 Corinthians 14:33

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.

My mother said that when I was a baby the only thing that would stop my fussing was to listen to soft music. It wasn’t the discordant noise that often is defined as music, any more than paint thrown haphazardly on a canvas could be called art. Not just music but other areas of our life. God is a God of peace rather than discord or disorder.

I guess you may say that the fat is in the fire as I write this Daily-E-Votional for Friday. We usually have a hymn courtesy of GloryScapes.com, but I would like to have us think about music for a few moments. The joy I find in GloryScapes is the harmonious nature of the music.

I miss the good old days of television when programs had meaning without chaotic perversion that has become a pattern of sinfulness. One of my favorites was the Andy Griffith Show with Andy serving as Sheriff of Mayberry. You may recall Don Knotts playing the part of the bumbling Deputy Barney Fife. One episode had a scene of a church choir rehearsing. Everyone was singing on key except Barney. The director was beside himself trying to deal with the discord. Finally Barney stepped up to the director and volunteered to move throughout the choir while they were singing to discover who was singing off key.

I love to listen to classical music. For the most part the harmony is soothing and creative, but some pieces are discordant and strident. At this moment I am listening to a hymn that has order and harmony. Sad to say, some Christian music is more noise and clamor than peace and harmony. Lord, may my life be harmonious!

Blessings dear hearts. Walk with God today. Fill your life with harmonious peace and be a blessing!

—Pastor Cecil